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  • Writer's picturejamieedelbrock

Choosing Love: The Pathway to Joy

I used to love the mantra "Choose Joy!" I believed that by simply opting for joy, I could navigate life's challenges, foster meaningful connections, and enhance my character. However, with age comes wisdom, and I've come to understand that joy isn't a choice I can make outright. Instead, I've learned that by prioritizing love, joy effortlessly blossoms in my life. Simply put, when I choose love, joy naturally follows.

I started realizing this while I was in Phuket, Thailand.

While seeking respite from the sweltering heat, I saw a woman in a pool radiating joy. Her carefree demeanor and unbothered happiness captivated me. With eagles soaring overhead, she stood with arms outstretched and a radiant smile on her face. Intrigued by her infectious joy, I felt drawn to approach her, compelled to understand the source of her happiness.

She didn't break her radiant smile as I approached her. It was as if she knew what I was coming over to ask. All she did was point to the sky and say, "I love eagles. They are wild and free."

This amazed me. She was so focused on her love of eagles that her joy became contagious and intriguing. In that small moment, she taught me that while the pursuit of joy can sometimes feel elusive, one thing is clear: choosing to love opens the door to genuine joy.

That encounter made me realize that making the conscious decision to love can lead to a life filled with joy. Let me explain.

The Power of Choice

Joy, in its truest form, often feels spontaneous and fleeting. We might experience moments of joy through external circumstances or achievements, but its lasting presence can be hard to grasp. However, the choice to love is something within our control. Love is a deliberate decision, an act of will that transcends mere emotion. When we choose to love—whether it’s loving ourselves, others, or the world around us—we create a foundation upon which joy can flourish.

Love as a Practice

Choosing to love isn’t always easy. It requires vulnerability, compassion, and a willingness to extend ourselves beyond our comfort zones. Loving ourselves means embracing our flaws and celebrating our strengths. Loving others involves empathy, understanding, and genuine care. This practice of love nurtures our relationships and our personal well-being, setting the stage for joy to follow naturally.

The Ripple Effect

When we choose love, its effects ripple outward. Acts of love, no matter how small, can transform our interactions and environments. Whether it's offering a kind word, lending a helping hand, or simply being present for someone in need, these actions create positive energy. This positivity contributes to a sense of fulfillment and contentment, which are integral components of joy.

Joy as a Companion

Unlike joy, which might come and go, love remains a constant choice we make. As we continuously choose to love, joy becomes a natural companion. When we approach life with love, we are more likely to find joy in the everyday moments—whether it's through connecting deeply with others, experiencing personal growth, or finding beauty in the mundane.

Cultivating a Joyful Life

To cultivate joy, focus on making love a central part of your life. Practice self-love by caring for your mental and physical health. Extend love to others by being kind, supportive, and understanding. Embrace the love you receive and allow it to enhance your sense of joy. The more we choose love, the more we create an environment where joy can thrive.

Choosing joy might not be tangible, but like the lady joyfully gazing at eagles in a pool, choosing to love is. By making love a conscious choice, we invite joy to follow naturally, enriching our lives with deeper fulfillment and happiness.

Join me in prioritizing love, and watch how joy becomes a beautiful and enduring part of your journey.


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